Saturday, October 5, 2024

UK SMEs Navigate The Rising Tide of Tax

In the expansive sea of the UK’s commercial landscape, SMEs form the buoyant vessels steering innovation and economic growth. 

Yet, an undercurrent of rising tax obligations, compounded by escalating living costs, threatens to drag them down. 

As the waters become murkier, how can small businesses stay afloat?

The Tax Struggle Defined

Recent data from Premium Credit waves a red flag: over half a million SMEs are finding it challenging to keep up with tax payments. 

This financial strain averages over £45,600, with a noteworthy 10% grappling with debts surpassing £100,000. 

Especially daunting are the Corporation Tax and VAT, casting shadows over 54% and 35% of businesses, respectively.

Causes of the Crisis

Apart from the inherent complexities of the UK tax system, why are so many SMEs taking on water? 

Several culprits emerge, such as:

  • The rising tide of living costs – a concern for 19% of SMEs.
  • Predictions of future tax storms, with 26% foreseeing challenges in settling tax bills in the upcoming five years.
  • The surge in company insolvencies, marking the highest in almost a decade and a half, highlighting a broader fiscal crisis.

Practical Solutions

For SMEs sailing these troubled waters, hope and help are on the horizon. Here’s a proverbial compass to guide you through:

  1. Flexible Payment Plans: Companies like Premium Credit offer initiatives that allow tax payments to be spread across a year.
  2. Negotiation: Consider direct dialogues with HMRC. A promising 29% of businesses intend to discuss payment arrangements.
  3. External Aid: Whether seeking capital injections from current investors (a strategy for 30%) or considering the often-underrated avenue of family or friend financial assistance (an option for 21%), remember, it’s okay to ask for help when the seas get rough.
  4. Adapting Business Strategies: Innovate. From exploring new investment avenues to considering operational adjustments, flexibility can be the anchor SMEs need.


The challenges of the current fiscal landscape are undeniable. 

Yet, with proactive navigation, the right tools, and a touch of tenacity, UK SMEs can steer clear of the storm and continue to be the resilient backbone of the nation’s economy.

Small businesses access unsecured, fast funding from Got Capital. As an alternative lender, Got Capital offers technology-backed financing solutions, specifically designed for and catered to the needs of SMEs.


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